NCAA Division III Athlete Of The Year
Name |
Field/Track |
Year |
Christy Cazzola |
2013, 2014
Robyn Jarocki |
Field |
2004, 2005, 2006 |
Holly Ozanich |
Field |
2011 |
Liz Woodworth
Track |
2004 |
NCAA Division III Champion • Individual Event |
Name |
Event |
Performance (Year) |
Stephanie Bostwick |
Shot Put |
46-1 1/4 (1992)
Melanie Brickner |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
64-1 3/4 (2015)
Christy Cazzola |
800-Meter Run |
2:13.40 (2012)
Mile Run |
4:51.99 (2012), 4:48.11 (2013), 4:51.47 (2014)
3,000-Meter Run |
9:38.72 (2014)
5,000-Meter Run |
16:57.58 (2013)
Alexia Child |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
64-1 3/4 (2012)
Carrie Danielewicz |
High Jump |
5-7 1/4 (2002)
Tiffany (Speckman) Ebensperger |
5,000-Meter Run |
17:16.52 (1998)
Tricia Haralson |
Shot Put |
45-2 1/4 (1994)
Deena Heins |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
60-3 1/4 (2003)
Laura Horejs |
1,500-Meter Run |
4:35.75 (1992)
Tara (Harding) Jaeger |
Long Jump |
18-4 1/2 (1995), 18-1 (1996)
Robyn Jarocki |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
60-3 3/4 (2004), 67-2 (2005), 68-10 (2006)
Shot Put |
50-4 (2005), 55-11 1/4 (2006)
Jecel (Gerner) Klotz |
Shot Put |
49-4 1/4 (2014)
Samantha Loew |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
62-0 1/4 (2013)
Ayla Mitchell |
Mile Run |
4:54.66 (2009)
Melissa Mueller |
High Jump |
5-7 1/4 (1994)
55-Meter Hurdles |
8.33 (1994)
Melissa Oleson |
Shot Put |
44-11 3/4 (1996)
20-Pound Weight Throw |
54-4 (1996), 55-1 1/2 (1997)
Holly Ozanich |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
64-5 1/4 (2010), 67-8 (2011)
Shot Put |
50-1 3/4 (2011)
Terri Schwamb |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
61-2 3/4 (2007)
Breanna Strupp |
Shot Put |
51-6 1/4 (2013)
Kylee Verhasselt |
800-Meter Run |
2:08.67 (2014)
Liz Woodworth |
800-Meter Run |
2:12.41 (2002), 2:11.59 (2003), 2:10.76 (2004)
NCAA Division III Champion • Relay Event |
Event |
Name |
Performance (Year)
1,600 Meter |
Dena Beekman, Kim Bemowski, Ann Fink, Tina Partoll |
3:56.50 (1990)
Distance Medley |
Susan Hardtke, Jessica Marx, Jackie Munoz, Liz Woodworth |
11:46.19 (2002)
Jackie Munoz, Julie Hoch, Emily Steinhafel, Liz Woodworth |
11:44.56 (2004)
Christy Cazzola, McKenzie Kelly, Stephanie Jahn, Kylee Verhasselt |
11:32.24 (2013)
Christy Cazzola, Stephanie Jahn, Sonny Jenkins, Kylee Verhasselt |
11:39.94 (2014)
NCAA Division III All-America • Individual Event |
Name |
Event |
Place |
Performance |
Year |
Elizabeth Abhold |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Sixth |
57-7 |
2016 |
Kim Bemowski |
800-Meter Run |
Third |
2:16.16 |
1990 |
Second |
2:13.23 |
1991 |
Brenda Biskobing |
800-Meter Run |
Third |
2:13.81 |
1995 |
Stephanie Bostwick |
Shot Put |
Fifth |
43-3 3/4 |
1990 |
Second |
45-9 |
1991 |
Champion |
46-1 1/4 |
1992 |
Melanie Brickner |
Shot Put |
Sixth |
45-10 |
2015 |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Third |
59-10 1/2 |
2013 |
Third |
59-8 1/2 |
2014 |
Champion |
64-1 3/4 |
2015 |
Mikelle Budge |
5,000-Meter Run |
Sixth |
17:56.21 |
1995 |
Sue Burke |
High Jump |
Fifth |
5-5 1/4 |
1990 |
55-Meter Hurdles |
Fourth |
8.56 |
1991 |
High Jump |
Second |
5-6 1/2 |
1991 |
Danielle Carrigan |
Pole Vault |
Sixth |
12-0 1/2 |
2011 |
Fifth |
12-7 1/2 |
2012 |
Amy Cayemberg |
High Jump |
Sixth |
5-4 1/2 |
1991 |
Third |
5-6 1/2 |
1992 |
Sixth |
5-3 3/4 |
1993 |
Fifth |
5-5 1/4 |
1989 |
Christy Cazzola |
Mile Run |
Fourth |
4:59.65 |
2011 |
Champion |
4:51.99 |
2012 |
Champion |
4:48.11 |
2013 |
Champion |
4:51.47 |
2014 |
800-Meter Run |
Champion |
2:13.40 |
2012 |
3,000-Meter Run |
Champion |
9:38.72 |
2014 |
5,000-Meter Run |
Champion |
16:57.58 |
2013 |
Alexia Child |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Sixth |
57-4 1/4 |
2011 |
Champion |
64-1 3/4 |
2012 |
Ruth Conlin |
Shot Put |
Sixth |
41-3 1/4 |
1994 |
Sixth |
41-6 |
1996 |
Carrie Danielewicz |
High Jump |
Sixth |
5-5 1/4 |
2001 |
Champion |
5-7 1/4 |
2002 |
Nancy Dare |
1,500-Meter Run |
Fifth |
4:39.38 |
1990 |
Fifth |
4:40.72 |
1991 |
Camille Davis |
55-Meter Dash |
Seventh |
7.26 |
2010 |
Third |
7.10 |
2011 |
Deb Deeg |
55-Meter Hurdles |
Fifth |
8.38 |
1989 |
Alexandria Demco |
Mile Run |
Third |
4:51.68 |
2022 |
Amanda Donath |
400-Meter Run |
Seventh |
58.42 |
2006 |
Third |
56.47 |
2007 |
Vicki Drewa |
Shot Put |
Second |
43-9 3/4 |
1990 |
Fourth |
43-2 1/2 |
1992 |
Second |
44-2 |
1993 |
Michelle Dziak |
Triple Jump |
Fourth |
36-4 3/4 |
1986 |
Fourth |
36-2 1/4 |
1987 |
Long Jump |
Second |
37-6 |
1988 |
Tiffany (Speckman) Ebensperger |
5,000-Meter Run |
Champion |
17:16.52 |
1998 |
Sherry Eckhardt |
Shot Put |
Fourth |
42-4 3/4 |
1996 |
Ann Fink |
Long Jump |
Sixth |
18-1 3/4 |
1990 |
Morgan Florek |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
No championship held due to coronavirus pandemic |
2020 |
Libby Geisness |
800-Meter Run |
No championship held due to coronavirus pandemic |
2020 |
Penny Godleske |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Seventh |
51-7 |
2003 |
Fourth |
55-11 |
2004 |
Lisha Hanson |
Pole Vault |
Seventh |
12-3 1/2 |
2012 |
Tricia Haralson |
Shot Put |
Fourth |
43-11 1/4 |
1991 |
Sixth |
43-0 1/4 |
1992 |
Fourth |
43-3 |
1993 |
Champion |
45-2 1/4 |
1994 |
Deena Heins |
Shot Put |
Third |
48-1 3/4 |
2003 |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Champion |
60-3 1/4 |
2003 |
Julie Hoch |
High Jump |
Third |
5-5 1/4 |
2004 |
Laura Horejs |
1,500-Meter Run |
Fourth |
4:37.01 |
1990 |
Third |
4:31.36 |
1991 |
Champion |
4:35.75 |
1992 |
Tara (Harding) Jaeger |
Triple Jump |
Sixth |
36-3 3/4 |
1994 |
Second |
38-2 |
1995 |
Long Jump |
Champion |
18-4 1/2 |
1995 |
Champion |
18-1 |
1996 |
Robyn Jarocki |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Fourth |
55-4 1/4 |
2003 |
Champion |
60-3 3/4 |
2004 |
Champion |
67-2 |
2005 |
Champion |
68-10 |
2006 |
Shot Put |
Second |
48-0 |
2004 |
Champion |
50-4 |
2005 |
Champion |
55-11 1/4 |
2006 |
Jill Kincaid |
Triple Jump |
Third |
38-3 1/2 |
1999 |
Fourth |
38-9 |
2000 |
Second |
38-10 1/4 |
2001 |
Seventh |
37-10 1/2 |
2002 |
Riley Kindt |
60-Meter Hurdles |
Sixth |
8.77 |
2022 |
Jecel (Gerner) Klotz |
Shot Put |
Sixth |
45-7 1/4 |
2010 |
Third |
47-6 1/4 |
2011 |
Champion |
49-4 1/4 |
2014 |
Third |
46-9 |
2015 |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Fifth |
57-4 3/4 |
2011 |
Fifth |
57-5 |
2014 |
Third |
58-2 |
2015 |
Melissa Langlois |
5,000-Meter Run |
Third |
17:24.80 |
1992 |
Melissa Legler |
High Jump |
Third |
5-5 3/4 |
1994 |
Amelia Lehman |
Mile Run |
Eighth |
4:56.13 |
2023 |
Seventh |
4:54.37 |
2024 |
Kristen Linzmeier |
800-Meter Run |
Seventh |
2:14.77 |
2017 |
Samantha Loew |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Champion |
62-0 1/4 |
2013 |
Hannah Lohrenz |
Mile Run |
No championship held due to coronavirus pandemic |
2020 |
Cyna Madigan |
800-Meter Run |
Eighth |
2:21.26 |
2023 |
Kerrie Main |
Long Jump |
Third |
17-10 1/4 |
1997 |
Triple Jump |
Second |
39-10 |
1997 |
Abby Martin |
Shot Put |
Eighth |
44-9 3/4 |
2014 |
Jessica Marx |
800-Meter Run |
Sixth |
2:15.73 |
2002 |
Rebecca Masephol |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Fifth |
55-0 |
2008 |
Brenna Masloroff |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Sixth |
59-5 3/4 |
2023 |
Seventh |
59-10 1/4 |
2024 |
Shot Put |
Fifth |
46-1 1/2 |
2024 |
Jennifer McConkey |
Long Jump |
Sixth |
17-9 1/2 |
2000 |
Lisa Melendez |
55-Meter Dash |
Second |
7.36 |
1995 |
400-Meter Run |
Third |
57.42 |
1996 |
Terri Meyer |
1,500-Meter Run |
Sixth |
4:35.12 |
1988 |
Rachel Milligan |
800-Meter Run |
Fourth |
2:15.43 |
1998 |
Sixth |
2:16.56 |
1999 |
Tammy Milz |
1,500-Meter Run |
Fifth |
4:35.06 |
1988 |
Fifth |
4:37.45 |
1989 |
Ayla Mitchell |
Mile Run |
Second |
4:58.61 |
2008 |
Champion |
4:54.66 |
2009 |
Cheyenne Moore |
5,000-Meter Run |
Sixth |
16:50.79 |
2019 |
Kenya Moore |
Triple Jump |
Fifth |
37-10 3/4 |
1998 |
Melissa Mueller |
High Jump |
Sixth |
5-6 1/2 |
1992 |
Second |
5-7 |
1993 |
Champion |
5-7 1/4 |
1994 |
55-Meter Hurdles |
Sixth |
8.54 |
1993 |
Champion |
8.33 |
1994 |
Long Jump |
Sixth |
17-6 3/4 |
1994 |
Cheryl Niederberger |
3,000-Meter Run |
Third |
9:47.68 |
1988 |
Melissa Oleson |
Shot Put |
Fifth |
41-4 1/2 |
1994 |
Sixth |
42-8 |
1995 |
Champion |
44-11 3/4 |
1996 |
Third |
44-5 1/4 |
1997 |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Champion |
54-4 |
1996 |
Champion |
55-1 1/2 |
1997 |
Holly Ozanich |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Second |
56-4 1/2 |
2009 |
Champion |
64-5 1/4 |
2010 |
Champion |
67-8 |
2011 |
Shot Put |
Third |
46-3 1/2 |
2010 |
Champion |
50-1 3/4 |
2011 |
Nadine Pieske |
400-Meter Run |
Fourth |
56.85 |
2006 |
Fourth |
56.93 |
2007 |
Danielle Rankin |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Fifth |
54-9 1/2 |
2004 |
Third |
57-0 3/4 |
2005 |
Third |
58-5 3/4 |
2006 |
Shot Put |
Fifth |
44-9 1/2 |
2004 |
Fifth |
44-7 3/4 |
2005 |
Sixth |
44-10 3/4 |
2006 |
Kelly Rehn |
Pole Vault |
Seventh |
11-3 3/4 |
2005 |
Fifth |
12-3 1/2 |
2006 |
Emily Reichenberger |
60-Meter Dash |
Eighth |
7.75 |
2017 |
Sixth |
7.73 |
2018 |
200-Meter Dash |
Sixth |
25.52 |
2016 |
Niki Riemer |
Pole Vault |
Third |
11-0 3/4 |
2000 |
Sixth |
11-4 1/2 |
2001 |
Seventh |
11-4 1/2 |
2002 |
Terri Schwamb |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Fourth |
56-5 3/4 |
2005 |
Champion |
61-2 3/4 |
2007 |
Taylor Sherry |
60-Meter Hurdles |
Seventh |
8.90 |
2015 |
Fourth |
8.72 |
2016 |
Pentathlon |
Fifth |
3,462 |
2015 |
Ellie Sitek |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Third |
55-3 |
2009 |
Sixth |
57-4 3/4 |
2010 |
Shot Put |
Sixth |
45-1 |
2009 |
Fifth |
46-0 1/2 |
2010 |
Breanna Strupp |
Shot Put |
Champion |
51-6 1/4 |
2013 |
Fourth |
46-2 |
2012 |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Fifth |
58-8 1/2 |
2012 |
Sue Trzebiatowski |
Shot Put |
Seventh |
43-0 1/2 |
2007 |
Eighth |
44-2 3/4 |
2009 |
20-Pound Weight Throw |
Fourth |
55-0 |
2009 |
Eighth |
55-9 3/4 |
2010 |
Cathy Vandermar |
3,000-Meter Run |
Second |
9:48.98 |
1990 |
Kylee Verhasselt |
800-Meter Run |
Champion |
2:08.67 |
2014 |
Second |
2:10.42 |
2015 |
Emma Warr |
Pole Vault |
No championship held due to coronavirus pandemic |
2020 |
Pam Weider |
1,500-Meter Run |
Sixth |
4:41.29 |
1992 |
Brittni Wirtz |
60-Meter Dash |
Sixth |
7.70 |
2012 |
Liz Woodworth |
800-Meter Run |
Fourth |
2:14.05 |
2001 |
Champion |
2:12.41 |
2002 |
Champion |
2:11.59 |
2003 |
Champion |
2:10.76 |
2004 |
Lauren Wrensch |
Long Jump |
Third |
18-11 3/4 |
2019 |
Lisa Zimmermann |
Triple Jump |
Fourth |
38-2 1/4 |
1999 |
All-America Awards: 1985-2001 (Top Six), 2002-Present (Top Eight) |
NCAA Division III All-America • Relay Event |
Event |
Name |
Place |
Performance |
Year |
1,600 Meter |
Dena Beekman, Kim Bemowski, Lori Nelson, Tina Partoll |
Second |
3:57.70 |
1989 |
Dena Beekman, Kim Bemowski, Ann Fink, Tina Partoll |
Champion |
3:56.50 |
1990 |
Kim Bemowski, Amy Heath, Tina Partoll, Sherry Schulte |
Fourth |
3:58.10 |
1991 |
Vicki Francois, Tina Partoll, Sherry Schulte, Lynn Wieskamp |
Fifth |
4:02.42 |
1992 |
Heidi Jarecki, Joelle Kane, Angela Kapral, Emily Simmons |
Sixth |
4:05.52 |
1994 |
Brenda Biskobing, Lisa Melendez, Laura Nelson, Emily Simmons |
Second |
4:00.70 |
1995 |
Mary Banker, Rachel Milligan, Tracy Yaeger, Lisa Zimmermann |
Fifth |
3:57.76 |
1999 |
Emily Breunig, Jill Kincaid, Jessica Marx, Lisa Zimmermann |
Fourth |
3:55.19 |
2001 |
Amanda Donath, Nadine Pieske, Sarah Schettle, Stephanie Sisk |
Fifth |
3:55.13 |
2006 |
Amanda Donath, Nadine Pieske, Sarah Schettle, Stephanie Sisk |
Fourth |
3:52.55 |
2007 |
Stephanie Jahn, Caitlyn McCormick, Elizabeth Pospyhalla, Kylee Verhasselt |
Third |
3:49.21 |
2014 |
Becklyn Hunter, Stephanie Jahn, Caitlyn McCormick, Kylee Verhasselt |
Third |
3:50.19 |
2015 |
Distance Medley |
Susan Hardtke, Jessica Marx, Jackie Munoz, Liz Woodworth |
Champion |
11:46.19 |
2002 |
Kristy Genke, Katie Isermann, Jackie Munoz, Liz Woodworth |
Second |
11:47.72 |
2003 |
Jackie Munoz, Julie Hoch, Emily Steinhafel, Liz Woodworth |
Champion |
11:44.56 |
2004 |
Christy Cazzola, McKenzie Kelly, Stephanie Jahn, Kylee Verhasselt |
Champion |
11:32.24 |
2013 |
Christy Cazzola, Stephanie Jahn, Sonny Jenkins, Kylee Verhasselt |
Champion |
11:39.94 |
2014 |
Stephanie Jahn, Sonny Jenkins, Isabella Tremonti, Kylee Verhasselt |
Fifth |
11:51.83 |
2015 |
All-America Awards: 1985-2001 (Top Six), 2002-Present (Top Eight) |
NCAA Division III Coach Of The Year |
Name |
Year |
Ben Dorsey |
2014 |
Ben Dorsey & Drew Ludtke |
2013 |
Pat Ebel |
2011 |
Deb Vercauteren |
1999, 2006 |
NCAA Division III Scholar-Athlete Of The Year (USTFCCCA)
Name |
Year |
Christy Cazzola |
2013, 2014
Ayla Mitchell |
Track |
2009 |